Sunday 18th December

Last Sunday’s Carols and Christmas Market was a brilliant event.  The atmosphere was every bit as good as I expected.  Hundreds of people enjoyed the music, kids’ activities, BBQ and the chance to pick up some Christmas presents from stallholders (both St Judes’ and from external operators).  Many guests said big thankyous to me, and I would like to pass these onto everyone who put in such a big effort for the day.  Sometime soon I will be able to let you know how much we raised for Anglican Aid.

“Nothing will be impossible with God.”  So said the angel to Mary at the time of announcing the virgin birth (Luke 1:37). I have been thinking a lot about God’s all-powerful nature in recent weeks. Jesus taught very clearly that “all things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27).  Our minds naturally ask, “Well, then, why doesn’t he do such and such?”  But this is wrong-headed.  We should dwell on the fact that God can do all things, praise him for it, persist in the hard work of praying for the good things we want him to do.  All things are possible with God!  I am looking forward to thinking further on this as we hear Andrew speak to us from Isaiah this Sunday, about the virgin birth.

Next weekend it’s Christmas!  Services are on Christmas Eve at 6.00 pm and 11.00 pm.  Christmas Day at 8.00 am and 9.30 am. Everyone is welcome!

Andrew Schmidt,