Sunday 25th December

It is a very good thing to gather at this time, to honour and worship the God who came among us in the birth of his Son.  That the Son of God would come down from heaven to take flesh as a human speaks to us in so many ways about the character of the God who rules the universe.  He is knowable: he could live as a human.  He is involved: he did not stay far off in heaven.  He is humble: willing to exchange his heavenly glory for mortal flesh.  He is Three-in-One, for God the Son could still pray to his heavenly Father, by the Spirit, when on earth.  Above all, he is loving, for the ultimate purpose of Jesus becoming man was so that he could bear our sins, and take on our behalf the penalty of death which is decreed for every human sinner.

The news of Christmas fills us with joy and hope because, quite simply, there is a God who loves us.  I want to encourage you this Christmas to think on how you might respond to God’s great love by accepting his invitation to know him better.  A simple and amazingly effective step is to come along to church again early in the New Year.  We will be back here again, gathering in the Name of Jesus, on New Years’ Day.  And we’re holding another BBQ after the 4 pm service on that day!

Next week’s sermon is on Exodus chapters 1 and 2. Exodus is a ripping yarn! Why not have a read of it during the week?

There are many other ways to connect at St Jude’s during 2023, but let me mention these especially:

  • Come again any Sunday, 8 am, 9.30 am or 4 pm.
  • We run regular gospel courses like Simply Christianity is a way to explore Jesus further.  Keep your eye on the church website for the next one.  And let us know you’re interested.
  • Kids’ Club, Youth, Playgroup, Rambles, Bible studies and other mid-week activities are back in February.


Every blessing to you for this Christmas season and the New Year.

Rev. Andrew Schmidt