He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? Romans 8:32

Of all the world’s religions and philosophies, Christianity is the only faith which is based on God having shown himself to be trustworthy in a track record of dealings with humanity. The climax of that track record is God’s giving of his Son Jesus to die for sin.
In this verse from Romans, the apostle Paul gives Christians the comfort of knowing that God will not hold back from giving us all good things. He uses logic which we can all understand. God has already given what is most valuable to him. He has already given his Son: the death of Jesus for us is an historical fact. It is part of God’s track record.
Paul’s logic is simply this. If God has already given what is most valuable to him in order to win us back from sin, he obviously will not hesitate to give us other things which are less valuable to him. If he has bought us with what is most valuable to him, he will not give up on us, because he will not walk away from his investment.
These words are addressed to Christians in difficulty. Whatever those difficulties may be, they should never make us think that God is holding back, or that he has given up on us. We know that cannot be the case, because of his track record in giving up his Son for us.
Heavenly Father, you have already shown your love for us by giving what is most valuable to you in your Son’s death for us. Thank you for the certainty this gives us of your trustworthiness. Whether we are in difficulties or in relative ease, please grant that this will truly comfort our hearts. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Rev Andrew Schmidt