“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” —Matthew 11:28
It’s become somewhat of a cliché to say that these are difficult times for lots of people. This lockdown is affecting everyone differently – and unevenly – but it is affecting everyone. I know of many people feeling burdened by the situation they find themselves in, and I’m sure many more would confess to being weary as well, if only they had the energy to do so!
The last thing we want is for church to feel like just one more burden on our weeks, especially at a time like this. Sometimes, however, we can make the mistake of thinking that focusing on our church community and our relationship with Jesus is something we’ll do once we have the energy, once our lives are in order or once we feel we’re good enough. In fact the opposite should be true. Church should be a place where even the most burdened and wearisome should feel welcome, valued, and encouraged to know Jesus through God’s word.
So even though we’re meeting online, or even if you’re not able to come to our online services or Bible study groups, remember that Jesus is the one to go to when you WHILE you are weary and burdened – not once you’re feeling energetic and light – and he will give you rest.
Rev Andrew Goddard
Assistant Minister | Youth and Evangelism