In speaking with people individually about the abortion legislation currently before the NSW Parliament, many have been shocked to understand that this bill proposes to make all abortion legal, right up to the baby’s birth. This extreme and ideological legislation has attracted the vehement opposition of virtually all Christian denominations and other faith groups. A Stand for Life rally has been organised for next Sunday, 15th September, 2.30 pm in Hyde Park, as a final opportunity to express support for the unborn, before the NSW Upper House votes next week.
As promised last week, I need to explain the document on the front door, which concerns proposed changes to the Randwick Ordinance. This ordinance is a ruling of our diocesan Standing Committee, governing the financial relationship between our parish and the Diocese. Such ordinances are put in place for many parishes for a variety of reasons, including where the parish receives income from property or from carrying on a business. Under our Ordinance, up to the present time, we have been obliged to pay 15% of the rent we receive from our childcare centre to the South Sydney Regional Council, which is used for other ministry in our region, in particular Norfolk Island (you can read about the fruit of this in this month’s Southern Cross, pp. 10-11).
Under the proposed new ordinance, our contribution will increase to include 15% of the surplus from our childcare centre. While this is will be significant increase (around $50,000 per year), it enables us to be generous in sharing God’s blessings with valuable ministry beyond our parish. It is also much less than that what would potentially be payable under the Diocese’s new levy on parishes with significant property income. This concession reflects our warm relationship with Bishop Michael Stead and our Diocese as a whole.
In brief:
- The annual New College Lectures (24-26 September) are an excellent event, this year featuring the Anglican and Catholic Archbishops. Please pick up a brochure and come along.
- I want to invite you to a trial of a new initiative, the Life Explored course, which is a fresh new presentation of the Christian faith, on Sunday afternoons starting 20 October. More information to come.