Two weeks ago, I wrote about the opportunity we have to share in the work of the gospel through financial support of our parish. Today can I remind you of the wonderful work of many Christian organisations. This week I received newsletters from the Bible Society (which aims to put the word of God into people’s hands), Overseas Council Australia (which supports theological education in Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East), Barnabas Fund (supporting persecuted Christians) and our Archbishop’s Aid appeal (which amongst other things is supporting various water projects in Asia and Africa).
It is exhilarating to think of all the good things Christians are doing, as well as overwhelming to realise we cannot get involved in all of them. Praise God that he is at work in all of this, and powerful enough to do it!
One piece of a mature Christian life, I would suggest, is to be committed financially and prayerfully both to the local congregation and to one or more Christian causes outside the local congregation. It is such a privilege to be involved in what God is doing all over the world. Please browse the new brochure stand in the Parish Room and take anything you like. Use it to pray and to give in whatever way God calls you.