This fourth Sunday in Lent is Mothering Sunday, a tradition less well known in Australia than “Mother’s Day” in May, but a good opportunity for us to acknowledge mothers and mother figures among us.
I’d like to encourage you to attend our Annual Vestry Meeting, at 11:30 am on Sunday. This is a good opportunity to be encouraged by ministry reports, and to participate in electing our office holders.
As Easter approaches, we are preparing for the famous St Jude’s Easter egg hunt at the family service on Easter Sunday. The last few years we have received a very encouraging load of donated eggs, and of course we are hoping for the 2023 haul to be the biggest yet! You can bring your eggs in on a Sunday, or to the church office during the week.
We are nearly at the end of our Exodus series (Sunday’s is the second last sermon); Meanwhile the gospel reading is a wonderful passage from John on the healing of the man born blind. I am pleased to say that after Easter, we will have sermons right through John’s gospel – a wonderful look at the divine Son of God who dwelt among us as a man.
In brief:
- Evening Prayer is on again this Wednesday 7 pm
Andrew Schmidt,