Morning devotion Friday 3rd September 2021

“Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.” Acts 3:19


Photo by Markus Mainka
Photo by Markus Mainka

During life in lockdown, it’s important to find refreshment in our daily lives. Whether it’s in the form of exercise, relationships or hobbies, regular refreshment will always be of benefit to us. But while physical and emotional refreshment are important, as Christians we know that we need spiritual refreshment through Jesus as well. So where do we find this spiritual refreshment?

 The fact that repentance and turning to God leads to our sins being ‘wiped out’ is central to our faith, but according to Acts 3:19, what also follows is ‘times of refreshment’. I know I can fall into the trap of thinking that repenting is about making sure God isn’t angry with me, true repentance is about so much more. I know that when I am truly honest with God and sorry for my sin, rather than feeling weighed down by it, I feel refreshed.

Dear heavenly Father,
Thank you that when we repent and turn to you we know that not only are our sins wiped out, but that we are also refreshed by you through Christ. We pray that this refreshment will help us guard our hearts, and make them quicker to turn to you each day. Through Jesus Christ, amen

Rev Andrew Goddard
Assistant Minister | Youth and Evangelism