This Sunday would have been our confirmation service – the first in around five years – with Bp. Michael Stead. Unfortunately, we had to make the decision back in July to postpone the service. I am looking forward to being able to gather a group of confirmees for 2022.
This is also Fathers’ Day. While some might react against Fathers’ Day as a clever ploy by retailers, the Bible shows us that there is something right about honouring fathers. The fifth commandment is, of course, to “honour your father and your mother”. To honour means to “make much of”. To recognise and celebrate.
The apostle Paul calls on fathers not to “provoke their children to anger” (which perhaps signals an error we fathers are especially prone to make!), but to “bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Anyone who has experienced an earthly father like that is greatly blessed.
We ought to recognise that not everyone has had a positive experience of an earthly father. However, even then, we can acknowledge the deep importance of this God-given role, which at its best ought to reflect the loving fatherhood of God. It’s certainly very appropriate for us to be praying for fathers and father figures today.
In brief:
- Just a reminder that, next Sunday, we are celebrating Kat Cowell’s ministry among us over the last three years, as she begins maternity leave.
- There is a new electronic issue of Southern Cross. See the link below.
- Thanks for everyone’s encouraging feedback on the devotions we’ve been sending out each Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We plan to continue with these in the coming weeks.