Morning devotion Friday 17th September 2021

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2


Image from all have burdens that we carry, and they can be as individual as the people carrying them.  Sometimes we carry them for a short time, sometimes they are chronic. They may be a result of events completely outside our control, or they may even be a result of our own decision. What is more, what may seem nearly intolerable for one person could be nothing more than a mere annoyance for another.

As a church, we can help each other by carrying each other’s burdens. This is something so central to what a church is, Paul says in Galatians 6:2 that by doing so we will ‘…fulfill the law of Christ.’

When we feel burdened, it is tempting to think to ourselves ‘I don’t want to burden anyone with my problems,’ ‘with my fears’ or ‘with my sin‘. Maybe we think this because we think we’re not worth the trouble, or we should be able to do it on our own, but this sort of thinking is not biblical.

Jesus carried our greatest burden as he carried the cross, and He has given us to each other that we may carry each other’s burdens as well.  It’s a privilege to carry the burden of someone else in the church, and it’s a great lesson in humility to have your burden carried by another.

Dear God, thank you for carrying the burden of my sin through Jesus on the cross. As a church, help us to carry each other’s burdens in our daily lives in a way that is loving, encouraging, and gives glory to you. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Rev Andrew Goddard
Assistant Minister | Youth and Evangelism