8th May 2022 – Mother’s day

This Sunday is Mothers’ Day. It is good for us to give thanks to God for the mother he gave each of us, and to pray for and encourage our mums as they seek to help us grow in Christ. We’ll be praying for all mothers and mother figures, in all services this Sunday.

I have been reminded by this Sunday’s psalm just what joy we can have from the goodness and faithfulness of God. Psalm 100 urges the whole world to shout in joy to the Lord. This is not a shallow joy which papers over the very real struggles we face in a fallen world. It is the deep joy of knowing that, through Jesus, he calls us the “sheep of his pasture”. His loving mercy is forever. May this deep joy be yours in Christ.

Notice that this Sunday’s second hymn, All people that on earth do dwell, is taken directly from Psalm 100.

In brief:

  • It’s not too late to join our Life of Jesus The second session (out of six) is on this Monday, 7.30 pm in the church. Talk to Emma for more details.
  • I am away from mid-morning this Sunday for General Synod (the synod of the Australia-wide Anglican church). I’d appreciate your prayers for safe travel and for the deliberations of the synod itself.
  • Praise God for our All-Day Kids’ Club on Wednesday, which we pulled together in response to a teachers’ strike. Special kudos to Andrew Goddard and Emma Little who put a fantastic program together.
  • Fireworks is a month away, Saturday 4th We will need help for set up, safety, BBQ and refreshments, and pack-up. Perhaps that help could come from you!