8th August 2021 – 19th Ordinary Sunday

As the lockdown wears on, I want you to know that I am praying hard for you, confident in the God who is the “Father of lights” (Hebrews 12:9), the “Father of spirits” (James 1:17), and the “Father from whom every family in heaven and on earth derives its name” (Ephesians 1:15).  Above all, I am praying that everyone in our parish will find and hold onto the eternal life that is only in Jesus.  At the same time, it is right for us to pray for an end to the COVID outbreak and all its flow-on effects, and for God’s blessing on us in our worldly circumstances.

Our sermon series “The Christian Life Inside Out”, on Christian emotions, turns this week to the theme of Sorrow.  Psalm 6 reminds us that we are allowed to bring deep sorrow to God in prayer: “My soul is in deep anguish”, says the psalmist.  “I am worn out with my groaning.”  “I flood my bed with weeping.”  I hope this is not your situation at the moment! But most of us have experienced these feelings, and the point is that God is willing to listen when we pour out our sorrow to him.  The psalmist says confidently “The LORD has heard my cry for mercy.”  We also, through faith in Jesus Christ, are able to have that same confidence.

The team has decided to do a few extra things in the coming weeks because of lockdown:

  • Short emails a few times each week with a Bible verse, reflection and prayer.  This should come to you if you are receiving our regular weekly email.

  • Morning Prayer, live online, at 8.30 am on Tuesday mornings.  This will be a short service (less than half an hour), to get your day going in a good spirit.  Please join us if you can.  Here is the link (same as for our Sunday gatherings).

Finally, the August edition of Southern Cross, the Sydney Anglican magazine, is an online edition, which you can access by clicking the Southern Cross button below.


  • COVID outbreak
  • Bible Society
  • Queen Elizabeth and GG David Hurley
  • St Jude’s Youth and leaders
  • NSW Euthanasia bill
  • Armed forces
  • Those whose names are in the Prayer Journal 


Tuesday 10th August            Morning Prayer online 8.30 am

Thursday 12th August          Mission Prayer 10.00 am (special time)

Friday 13th August                Youth online 7.00 pm

Saturday 14th August           Basecamp Men’s Conference 8.45-3.00 pm

                                                 Single-minded Online webinar 9.00-10.30 am

Sunday 15th August             Online Holy Communion 9.00 am

                                                 Sunday School and Youth Bible study online 10.30 am

                                                 Afternoon church online 4.00 pm

Tuesday 17th August            Parish Council 7.00 pm

Saturday 21st August           OneLove 2021 Women’s Conference 

Wednesday 25th August      “Learning to Forgive” Centre for Christian Living 8.00-9.30 pm

Friday 3rd September           National Grandparents’ Conference