A warm welcome to church today. I trust you will grow in joy and hope through what takes places in the service. Sunday School (9.30 am service) returns today after a holiday break. Children join in the main gathering at the start, and then head off to their programs after the children’s talk. There is also a creche operating in the Parish Room during the 9.30 am service. Feel free to drop off babies and toddlers there and pick up after the service.
Thanks to everyone who made yesterday’s Autumn Concert such a great event. I trust you enjoyed it very much. Next week I will be able to announce the amount we raised for the Bush Church Aid Society’s 100th Anniversary Appeal.
Today we welcome Jono Campbell, of SRE East, to our 8.00 and 9.30 am services to speak to us about his work in teaching SRE (School Scripture) in Randwick Boys’ and Girls’ High Schools. This is exciting work for which we pray regularly. (Our own Martin E. Robinson is also involved in teaching some of the classes).
Next week, of course, is Mothers’ Day. At church we mark this fairly simply, by giving thanks and praying for all the mothers and mother figures that God has given to us. I know that some mums take this as an opportunity to invite family to church. Please do this! We are prepared for visitors both in the service and in Sunday School.
In brief, the countdown is now on to our annual Fireworks and BBQ, Saturday 1st June.