As we enter the school holiday period, things are sometimes a bit quieter around here. Youth, Playgroup and Kids’ Club are on a holiday break, as are most of our Bible study groups. There is no
Sunday School on 27/9, 4/10 or 11/10. Children are very welcome to stay in the church for the main gathering.
Don’t forget that Daylight Saving starts next Sunday morning, 4th October. Clocks must go forward one hour on Saturday night – otherwise you’ll be late for church!! Of course, phones and other internet connected clocks will go forward automatically, which takes the skill out of it, but can help us make it to church on time!
Thanks to all those who came along to one or more nights of the New College Lectures. I think this was one of the best series I’ve seen. Professor Parkinson is exceedingly knowledgeable in the area of Family and Child Protection Law, and he used plenty of hard evidence to show how a Christian perspective on marriage, sex and freedom of speech is a most sensible and beneficial approach for our society to embrace – not that this seems likely in the near future! You can still catch the lectures on New College’s YouTube channel.
The last Sunday of October is traditionally our Patronal Festival, and thankfully, COVID restrictions will not prevent us from having our picnic. So, on Sunday 25th October, we are inviting everyone to church at 10 am followed by the St Jude’s Day Spring Picnic, with games for children in the graveyard. The only difference from usual is that, for COVID safety, it needs to be a BYO picnic. Church starts at 10 am. Please plan to come.
We are asking people to RSVP, to ensure we don’t breach the 100 person limit.
In brief:
- There is a Working Bee this Saturday, 8.30 am
- There will be no Mission Prayer meeting in October
- Margaret Sharland, well known to many of our KYB group, passed away last week. Her memorial service will be at St Jude’s on Monday 12th October at 11.00 am.