20th September 2020 – Mission Sunday

Each year, we make one Sunday a Mission Sunday, in which we focus on Jesus’ mission “to seek and save the lost”, and the part which he calls each of us to play in this work. Today is our Mission Sunday for 2020. Mission News from Philippa is below, making this a bumper edition of the bulletin. I hope you enjoy it, and can I also ask you to pray, and to give.



Mission Sunday-Donations to CMS

This year Mission Sunday will look very different due to the situation with COVID 19. We will not be having our delicious Devonshire Morning Tea and the stalls. However, we do still have a guest speaker Dan Arthur who is the Mission facilitator for CMS. He will be giving the sermon for all three services and I am sure it will be most worthwhile to hear his message and the information he will impart to us about CMS.

On Mission Sunday each year, we raise extra money for one of our regular missions, on top of the regular donation from plate giving. This year we are focusing on CMS and as we cannot have stalls and morning tea, we are asking parishioners to place the money they would otherwise spend into the special mission envelope that will be provided on the day. If attending online please send a cheque or transfer to the church funds earmarked CMS. Due to the situation with COVID 19 CMS giving is down and yet the missionaries still need to have all their needs met.

We had hoped that Jerome and Indra would be with us for Mission Sunday as they were due home for six months home assignment in July. Due to the pandemic, the three flights they were booked on were cancelled, so they decided that God was meaning them to stay where they are at present. We do pray that 2021 will give them the opportunity to come back to Australia to spend time with their supporting church families.

Jerome has reported, that due to their bible overview course going on-line, an amazing group of international students have joined. They pray that this will help the students grow in their understanding of the bible and feel a strong sense of connection with it. Some of the church members have been trained in Bible Storytelling and they hope this will be an effective tool for reaching international students.


Other CMS Missionaries connected with St Jude’s

Cowells in Italy

Nigel’s brother Simon and his wife Jessica with their children Lydia, Emma and Timothy are in Bari, Italy. They were on home assignment when the pandemic hit but have now been able to return to their work with CMS in Bari after two weeks isolation. They had a relatively smooth trip back and thanks to friends and their church family have been able to readjust back to their everyday life.

Schools have restarted at the beginning of September and Lydia is starting primary school for the first time.

At present consideration is being made as to how Simon’s ministry, with youth at GBU, can be restarted safely. GBU is a student -based movement which unites students and organises events focused on God’s word in universities and in other places around the country.

Snowdons in Spain

Libby and John’s son Mike and his wife Tania and their four sons William, Samuel, Tomas and Lucas are in Valencia, Spain. They had a very difficult time being confined in a unit with four young boys during the pandemic.  They were so relieved when they were finally allowed out to go to the park. They are concerned about people who have left the church and have not be able to be contacted since March when the pandemic hit. They are praying that there will be no more outbreaks that will send them back into lockdown.

Mike and the GBE team are praying for wisdom of how to move forward with their work and what to do with disconnected teens. GBE is a movement with secondary students where the gospel is shared and studied in schools.

Nungalinya College

Wonderful news that the students have been able to return to the College with successful COVID 19 arrangements made to keep the students safe. The College has embarked on a new initiative for men with a foundation study on the Life of Peter and the early church. Another terrific contribution to the students and the wider Kriol speaking community is the successful recording of 200 chapters of the Kriol bible. An incredible feat!

The College is also working on finalising plans for new student accommodation which will make the months away from home more comfortable. At the moment the Northern Territory Government departments are considering request for funds which they pray will be successful.


Prayer Points
  • Mission Sunday—Pray for generous giving to CMS to enable the missionaries to continue to receive the support they need in their country of location.
  • Jerome, Indra, David and Elijah-to be sustained and remain positive despite not being able to return to family and church friends in Australia this year

—Bible Telling Skills will prove beneficial in spreading the gospel to international students.

  • Cowells— pray that reopening the schools will not start another spike in the pandemic

—for wisdom for Simon to know when and how to restart intervention with university students

  • Snowdons— continued opening up so that the family can continue to get out with the four boys

—for wisdom for Mike to know when and how to restart intervention in schools.

  • Nungalinya— thanks for reopening of College

—pray for funding to come through from the NT Govt and for successful completion of plans for the student accommodation.

P. Skuja

Mission Secretary