It is ANZAC Day on Wednesday this week and we will mark this in our services today.
Although Australia has been at war in my lifetime (notably in Iraq and Afghanistan), I come from a generation that has almost no first hand experience of the heavy, heavy costs of war. In light of this, it seems to me that the main purpose of ANZAC Day is to remember that the political freedoms Australia currently enjoys have come at a price. It is so easy to forget, as we enjoy our Australian lifestyle, that it is a gift of God and indeed of many ordinary people who suffered to make it possible.
The practice of not taking for granted what we have, but remembering the sacrifice that made it possible, is also deeply Christian. It is precisely what we seek to do each week through the Holy Communion. By eating and drinking to remember Christ’s death for us, we acknowledge that our release from the power of sin came at the greatest cost – and is not to be taken for granted.
In brief, I have exercised my power to appoint one Parish Councillor in addition to the six elected last month. Crispin Arnall, who has been a member of our parish for most of his life, is keen to serve in this way again, and I am looking forward to his contribution.
Finally, don’t forget our Hymn Fest on Sat 5th May, and Youth starting on Sun 6th May.