I am reluctant and sad to raise with you an issue that is much easier not to speak about. However, it is right to draw your attention (as I did by email during the week) to the latest developments in the NSW Parliament in relation to the Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill 2019. The bill has passed the lower house, and it is soon to be considered by the Legislative Council.
Opinions vary (and emotions run high), and there is no time or space for me to explain fully why I think that Christians ought to do all they can to protect unborn human life. However, it may be that the present bill (which explicitly legalises abortion, for any reason, right up to birth) will be of concern even to those who feel that abortion is justified in various circumstances.
I want to put before you an opportunity to participate in our democratic processes by signing a petition, asking the Legislative Council to reject the bill. Naturally not everyone will want to sign it, and that’s fine, but because of the importance of this issue, I really want to make the opportunity available to those who would like to sign it. Due to the tightness of the parliamentary timetable, today is the only chance.
Available for collection in the porch or Parish Room is our Archbishop’s letter to the upper house Standing Committee, together with the submission that has been made by our Social Issues Committee. I really am sorry for having to raise this matter and I have prayed for those who, for whatever reason, will find church difficult today as a result.