16th January 2022

Gathering for church is an opportunity for us to “stop and consider God’s wonders” (Job 37:14). The two instructions, to stop, and to consider, are both essential. We cannot consider God’s wonders if we do not stop. And, while everyone seems to agree that stopping is a healthy thing to do in our frantically busy age, the stopping is only as useful as what we stop in order to do. (For example, if we pause the frantic rush of life for half an hour, only to fiddle on our phone, we will not feel refreshed.)

Stopping in order to consider the wonders of God is the best possible purpose for stopping.

When we gather in church, we remind ourselves of the wonders of God our Creator, who has made us and all the wonders around us, and our Redeemer, who loved us and gave his Son to buy us back from sin and death.

It struck me last week, in our reading from Job, just how important it is to stop, and consider God’s wonders. May all of us do this as we gather today.

But do not forget that we are able to stop and consider God’s wonders every day through prayer and reading the Scriptures.

If you are new with us today, this is a great time to connect with church. Children’s and Youth programs are on a holiday break at the moment, but we’d love to let you know about everything that starts up in February. For today, children and Youth are warmly invited to join in the main gathering in church.

Sermons during January are on the theme of “Trusting Jesus”: this week, “Trusting Jesus with our reputation”; next week, “Trusting Jesus with our mind”.

Throughout January, while we continue with one morning service at 9 am, we are alternating the format from First Order Holy Communion (the form usually used at 8 am) and Sung Communion (the form usually used at 9.30/10 am). My hope is to return to two morning services in February.

Please keep praying for our new staff members, Rev. Emma Little (Women’s and Pastoral Care Minister) and Edward Happer (Student Minister) who both start with us on Sunday 23rd January.