During the week, our ministry staff met together for a two day “retreat” in which we did some careful reflection on what we are doing here in the ministry at St Jude’s and how, under God, we can make it more fruitful. One of our tasks was to look at everything we are doing and how it matches up to our three focus areas identified by the Parish Council: Families and Young People, Welcoming and Integration, and Pastoral Care. We discovered that we are actually doing a lot which leads to initial contact with Families and Young People (and people of all ages), through our Kids’ Club, Youth, Playgroup, Early Learning Centre, and (outside COVID season at least) our big community events in the Fireworks and the Fair.
In contrast, we felt that we would like to do more in the area of Christian maturity, that is the deepening and the growth of each individual’s Christian faith. We all want to grow and develop in key areas of life, through education, in our professional ability, physical fitness, financial security: the list could go on. But I wonder how often we consider that we could be growing and maturing specifically in our Christian life. The apostle Peter writes of this: “Like newborn infants, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good” (1 Peter 2:2-3).
The pure spiritual milk is the word of God. The more we faithfully “read, mark, learn and inwardly digest” the Bible, the more we grow and develop in our Christian maturity. A Bible study group is a good way this can happen. You are welcome to join one: check out the back page for details.
In brief:
- The New College Lectures have become an online event, because Professor Parkinson cannot get out of Queensland! I am planning to screen them in the Parish Room on 22-24 September. Let me know if you would like to come.
- For our 25th October Patronal Festival, we are planning a St Jude’s Day Spring Picnic (BYO food) in the graveyard after church. It will be great fun. Please plan to come.