I trust you will be uplifted by our celebration of the defeat of death by our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the news that dispels all fear for those who trust in him, because if death cannot harm us, then what is there to fear? “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Here are some events and resources that are available to us to make this a great day of celebration:
- Our own St Jude’s services on Youtube.
- 00 am congregation gathering on Zoom.
- Evening congregation gathering on Zoom (at 7.00 pm)
- The Easter service will be broadcast from St Andrew’s Cathedral at 9 am on 9 Gem (Channel 92).
For families:
- The Family Devotion Pack which has been sent to all our Sunday School and Kids’ Club families.
- Sunday School on Zoom at 10 am.
- Easter Scavenger Hunt in the graveyard will be available all day from 9 am to 4 pm.
Finally, why not make a point of calling someone else from the congregation today, and greeting them with “Christ is risen”. “He is risen indeed.”
I would like to thank everyone warmly for calls and emails of encouragement, which are so nice to receive when we don’t have the interaction at the church door and over morning tea. As well as this, thank you for the many offertory gifts being sent through electronically and by cheque at this time. This is tremendously helpful as we continue the work of St Jude’s under COVID conditions.