The Sunday after Easter is traditionally called Low Sunday, and the experts are not 100% sure why. Perhaps it’s an English form of an old medieval expression, or perhaps it’s simply because after the excitement of Easter, you might expect a few less people in church the following week!
I hope that’s not the case, because we are trying to get a little better each week at presenting church online. While following the classic form, each of our services will be slightly different. The aim is always to help you to engage with God at home through prayer, praise and the scriptures. As we hear the gospel week by week, God is changing us. Some will come to faith for the first time, while others will have their faith deepened through the nourishment of God’s holy word.
This week we begin a new sermon series in the book of Acts, which will show us the change that was brought about in the people who first heard the news of Jesus’ resurrection.
But as we will see in Acts, when people heard the gospel and believed it, this bound them together as a new community: “one in heart and mind”. At this time of isolation, we need to seek ways of loving one another in community. This is why “live” church gatherings over the internet (or by phone) are a great thing.
We are holding both our 8.00 am Holy Communion service and our 6.00 pm Evening service live on Zoom.
After the school holidays end, next Sunday, all of our Bible study groups, Youth and Sunday School, will be meeting up on Zoom as well. If you would like to join any of these and you’re not sure how to, please call or email the office or any of the pastoral staff and we would love to help.