Morning devotion Monday 27th September 2021

“Bring an end to the violence of the wicked, and make the righteous secure – you, the righteous God, who tests minds and hearts.” Psalm 7:9


Photo by George Hodan at
By George Hodan

Compared with most other nations in the world, Australia has a very good justice system.  Most of us probably feel that our system makes good decisions most of the time.  Yet, even with our very good system, it does not always get it right.

In order to make a right judgment, a judge needs to have all the facts.  Today’s verse from the psalms reminds us that God is the judge who truly has all the facts.  He is the only one who is able to go to the very heart of the matter (literally) and test hearts.  Many other Bible verses repeat this truth that God tests the heart (eg. Proverbs 17:3, Jeremiah 17:10).

I find it comforting to know that God tests the heart.  It means that he sees my right intentions, even when my actions haven’t worked out as I’d hoped.  It also means, of course, that he knows when my motives behind an apparently “good” deed are mixed or even plain selfish.

Because of God’s ability to test the heart, we can have confidence that perfect justice will be done “on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Jesus Christ” (Romans 2:16).  We would be foolish to think we could stand in that day without Jesus’ forgiveness.  But if we do have that forgiveness, then it’s a comfort to know that perfect justice will be done, with all the facts uncovered.

Heavenly Father, we praise you that you are the One who tests the heart and mind.  You are the only Judge who truly has all the facts.  Forgive us for our sins so that we might stand in the day when you judge the secrets of every heart.  And help us to live to please you alone, who tests hearts.  Through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

Rev Andrew Schmidt