31st October 2021 – Patronal Festival

This Sunday is crowded with significance.  As well as being Reformation Sunday and All Saints’ Eve, it is also the Sunday we normally mark our Patronal Festival, otherwise known as St Judes’ Day.  All of this makes it a fitting day on which to give thanks for the saints who have come before us and handed the gospel onto us.  And to ask God to enable us to pass the gospel onto the next generation. The prayers, readings and hymns this Sunday will reflect this theme.  So does my sermon, which is all about the relation between children and parents.  I’ve called it “A Living Tradition”.

To add to this Sunday’s significance, it is also the last edition of “lockdown church”.  (I wonder if COVID freedom will become yet another yearly festival!!)  We have a special prayer to thank God for sustaining us during this time and asking for his blessing as we open up next week.

Please be aware that our online ministry will continue for the time being, because we realise that not everyone might be ready to return to church.

Next Sunday 7th November, everybody is welcome back in church at 9 am and 4 pm.  Vaccination is not necessary.  There will be a creche and Youth Bible Study at 9 am.  We’re trialling Sunday School at 4 pm during November.

Meanwhile, other ministries are opening up.  Friday night Youth has already begun in-person.  So have Choir rehearsals and Bell ringing practiceKids’ Club will be returning soon.

In the lead-up to Sunday the 7th, please come along to the Working Bee on Saturday the 6th November at 8.30 am.

There is also a Ramble this coming Friday, 5th November.

I am really looking forward to seeing our congregation back in-person, both on Sundays and during the week.