We gather in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the one to whom “every knee will bow” (Philippians 2:10). I hope we experience a real joy in bowing our knees before him together today, because he is worthy of our praise.
First, to the big news (for our church community at least!). I have decided (in consultation with the Parish Council and ministry staff) for us to continue with one morning service (at 9 am) for the time being. This was a very hard decision, because it is contrary to what I had indicated. But, with Omicron still keeping many people online, it seems the right decision. A key factor in my mind is not to overload our existing volunteers. We want attending and serving at church to be a joy and not a burden. On the other hand, I am concerned for those who find 9 am too early. I would like to hear feedback about this.
The next important juncture in our year is the special service to be held on Sunday 13th March, with Archbishop Kanishka Raffel, for the dedication our new slate roof. Perhaps after that, the time will be right for us to bring back our traditional format of two morning services.
Right now, however, I want to encourage you to get involved in serving, and in a Bible study group. The staff team has brainstormed about the opportunities there are for serving here at St Jude’s. Would you be interested in: helping at a Sunday service on the welcoming/COVID-safe team, on sound/computer, Bible reading or morning tea; or in another ministry team like the flower guild, Sunday School, creche, ESL, Kids’ Club, Youth, SRE, choir, bell ringing, or Playgroup.
Bible study groups are starting up in the next few weeks: Andrew G’s this week, my group on 16th Feb, and both KYB and Emma’s groups the week after that. These are a great way to go deeper into God’s word, while also getting to know a small group of people more deeply.
In brief:
- Working bee next Saturday, 6th Feb, 8.30 am. There is plenty to do in the garden, and as always a yummy morning tea awaits.