29th December 2019 – 12th January 2020

Things are little quieter here in January, with our regular Sunday School on a break until February.  But God’s people continue to gather here on Sundays (8 am, 9.30 am and 6 pm).  We also have summer Youth drop-in on Thursday afternoons 3-5 pm (except Jan 9).

There is a lot to look forward to at St Jude’s in 2020:

  • Our new Assistant Minister, Rev. Andrew Goddard, joins us after Easter with his wife Erin and daughters Sophie and Zara.
  • A new outreach ministry to new migrants through Bible and English classes. Training for leaders starts 31st January and the classes themselves are planned to begin on Monday 4th May.
  • The upgrade to our Early Learning Centre playground is finally underway and should be finished in early February.


After Christmas, our sermons are on some “hot topics”:

29 Dec       How can God be in control of everything?

5 Jan          How to suffer and not lose your faith

12 Jan        What does the Bible say about euthanasia?

19 Jan        Jesus will judge the quick and the dead

26 Jan        Christianity in Australia

From February, all our regular ministries start up again: Bible study groups, Kids’ club, Youth, Sunday School, Play group, choir, Friendship group.  In 2019, the Ramblers began meeting regularly to walk to various locations for fun and exercise.  They will be back again in 2020.