27th June – Dedication Sunday

I am writing to you with the disappointing news that there is NO IN-PERSON GATHERING at St Jude’s this Sunday.  Having decided on Wednesday to cancel Sunday’s lunch, the Premier’s announcement at 11 am this morning has made it necessary for us to call off our in-person gathering altogether.  It is a shame to be missing in-person gathering on Dedication Sunday for the second year running.
The good news is that at 10.30 am this Sunday, you can watch the service online right here. Please try to join a few minutes early so that we have time to admit you through Zoom’s “waiting room”.  If you would like to share in the Lord’s Supper, please have your bread and wine ready at home.
At this stage, we are waiting and praying that the current outbreak will be brought under control and that no extended lockdown will be necessary.  In a week or two, I hope to be able to speak about our coming Mission Sunday, July Women’s Event, the August launch of our new all-ages congregation at 4 pm, Hymn Fest in September, and of course the Fair in November.  We prayerfully need to wait and see.

We will be keeping you posted about the effects of the COVID restrictions on our church activities, through these emails and the church website.

Looking ahead in faith, here is some information about Hymn Fest and the Fair…

Hymn Fest + Lunch Saturday 4th September
St Jude’s will be holding a Hymn Fest and lunch on Saturday 4th September at 11.00 am. This is a wonderful opportunity to invite family, friends and neighbours to sing along accompanied by our wonderful organist. We will also have a couple of guest singers. A delicious light lunch will be provided afterwards. You will find nomination forms in the Church and Parish room so that you can request your favourite Hymn. You need to state name of Hymn, your name and why you would like it sung. We will then decide which ones to have on the day. Cost: Donation to Anglican Aid COVID19 India Appeal

St Jude’s Spring Fair – November 2021

Each year we reach out to the community with a colourful fair in the church grounds. The planning for this event is yearlong and your assistance is needed now.

The following is a list of the stalls and we need people to identify if they are willing to coordinate them and start letting people know what is needed.

Please consider if you have special skills or interest to run a stall. Everyone’s skills are needed to create different items to sell.


  • Barbecue
  • Books
  • Cakes
  • Children’s activities
  • Christmas stall
  • Confectionary
  • Craft
  • Devonshire teas
  • Flowers
  • Gourmet food
  • Jam/pickles/chutneys
  • Mission stall
  • Plants
  • Silent auction
  • Toys
  • Vintage clothes
There are other organisational roles are for the events we bring onto the grounds – such as: petting zoo, jumping castle, climbing wall and pony rides, the entertainment, .  If you are interested in any of these please let me know.

Please do not sit back and think someone else will do it – put yourself forward and share your skills and knowledge.