Today I have a few updates for you. The renovation of our childcare centre playground, announced several months back, is currently at the design stage. We have retained an experienced playground company to do both design and construction, and are currently working through some different design possibilities before we go ahead. This process has taken a little longer than expected, but is well on track.
Many will be aware that I am taking Long Service Leave to holiday in Europe and the UK with our family (the first time our children have needed passports!). Next Sunday will be our last Sunday before the trip. For the following six weeks your locum rector will be Rev. Stephen Fifer, the recently retired rector of St Jude’s Bowral. He is preparing a series of sermons on the Parables of Jesus from Luke’s gospel, which I am sure you will find interesting and enjoyable. Please make him feel welcome in our part of God’s family.
Today marks the 100th Anniversary of the Bush Church Aid society (BCA), and we will be praying for its work. In addition to the money raised for BCA at our Concert a few weeks back, we have another opportunity to make a special gift to BCA for its centenary.
In brief:
- Fireworks is on this coming Saturday at 5 pm. Please come along, and invite a friend.
- We need more volunteers to provide afternoon tea at Kids’ Club on Wednesday afternoons. Please let Kat know if you can help.