14th November 2021

Welcome to St Jude’s for our second week back in-person.  We gather in the name of the glorious King of the Universe, who rules his creation with generosity and mercy.  As today’s psalm says: “The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger… his mercy is over all his works” (Psalm 145:8-9).

We gather today at 9 am and 4 pm.  At 9 am, there is a creche and Youth Bible Study in the Parish Room.  Everyone joins together in the church at the beginning, after which children and youth move off to their programs.  Our Sunday School (for school years K-6) goes back online at 10.30 am for this Sunday only.  It will be in-person again next week at the 4 pm service.

Great news: we are all allowed to sing!  However, except for the choir (and singing leaders at 4 pm) we do need to wear masks while singing, and throughout the service.

Last Monday morning, I attended the National Prayer Breakfast, which was held as a virtual event, streamed to many locations.  We gathered at Holy Trinity Kingsford.  It was encouraging to see the Mayor of Randwick, Dylan Parker, our Federal MP, Matt Thistlethwaite, together with Michael Daley, the Member for Maroubra in the State Parliament.  Both the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader addressed the breakfast.  I was pleased to see that so many of our leaders of all political stripes value the prayers of God’s people for the parliament and the nation.  This is a good reminder for us to keep up these prayers.

As you know, for the second year running, COVID has prevented us from holding the famous St Jude’s Spring Fair.  (The Fair would have been this weekend, on Saturday the 13th.)  Last year, there was a silver lining in that, a month after the cancelled Fair, we were able to hold an outdoor Carols event, using the green space behind the church, which was a great success.  We are planning a similar event this year, on Sunday 12th December at 4 pm.  It will have a BBQ, a band, Christmas carols, a Christmas talk and children’s activities like the petting zoo.

In brief:

  • A service for the interment of ashes of Colleen McLachlan will be held in the columbarium after today’s 9 am service.  The family would like to invite any congregation members who knew Colleen to attend.
  • In light of singing being allowed once more, next week’s 9 am service will follow the Sung Communion order of service which we normally use at our later morning services.
  • Morning tea will be held (outside) following next week’s 9 am service.
  • Due to rain last week, the roof project is not quite finished, but another week should do it!