A special welcome to all mothers and mother figures on this Mothers’ Day. We give great thanks to God for his wonderful gift of our mums and the unconditional love they have shown us.
Today we have opportunity to consider a couple of special ways in which we can give financially to the work of the gospel. First, we have as our guest Jonathan Campbell, who recently commenced work teaching Scripture in Randwick Boys High through the SRE East Scripture Trust. Secondly, our annual Restoration Appeal letters have been posted this week to all regular members (please let the office know if you don’t receive yours!).
An important part of our calling as Christians is sharing with others the resources that God has entrusted to us. God owns all things; everything we have is “on loan”, and he loves to see us use it in a way that is shaped by his character and priorities. God wants us to be financial partners in the spread of the gospel, the wonderful news of God’s love for us in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Of course, it is essential for us to follow up our financial giving with our own prayers that God would prosper the work we support.
I would like to commend these opportunities to you.