Sunday 4th December

It is starting to feel a bit like Christmas now, with our Christmas postcards having arrived.  The theme is “Come Let us Adore Him”.  Every year we distribute around 5000 postcards, in person and into letterboxes, to invite Randwick to join us to celebrate Christmas.  This is an important way of showing the community that there is a living congregation here, who want to share Jesus’ love and make known his mighty Name.

To get involved in the letterbox drop, you need to: (1) take a map, (2) sign the sign-up sheet next to the zone you have chosen, (3) take sufficient postcards for your zone, and (4) deliver them!  Be sure to pray for the people who will receive the postcards, that they will come to church at Christmas.

Our first (and biggest!) Christmas event is our Carols and Christmas Market next Sunday.  God-willing, we expect 500 people here to enjoy music, markets, free BBQ, kids’ activities and carols.  My aim for this event is for many non-church goers to have a really positive experience of the church community, and to receive a gentle reminder that Christmas is all about Jesus.

We were most encouraged last Sunday by your response to the request for help on the day.  Please plan to be there, to help if possible, and to invite a friend.

In brief:

  • Friendship Group (Christmas edition) is on this Friday, 10 am for exercise, 11 am service, 12 pm lunch.

Andrew Schmidt