Seen on the side of a truck recently: “Small change, big difference”. This is the slogan used to advertise the FOGO recycling program. It’s a very appealing slogan, isn’t it? We all want to be able to make a difference, and feel good about our moral performance – preferably without a huge effort!
Do you think that this same slogan could be used to advertise Christianity? The “big difference” is definitely true of following Jesus: it changes our eternal destiny from hell to heaven. But is following Jesus a small change? Well, as you read Jesus’ words in this week’s gospel passage, from the Sermon on the Mount, does it sound to you as though Jesus is asking for just a minor adjustment to your life? Of course not! It’s a radical change. A 180-degree turn.
It remains true that we are saved by God’s grace, not our own effort. But God’s grace is not a cheap grace. It’s a radical, demanding grace. A more likely slogan for following Jesus is: “Radical change, infinite difference.” We are gathering on Sunday, as on every Sunday, to be nurtured in the task of living the transformed lives to which Jesus invites us.
In brief:
- Everyone new or newish is invited to lunch at the rectory on Sunday from 11.30 am. Ask one of the ministry staff if you’re not sure where to go.
- Last Monday’s Prayer Meeting was very encouraging! Please continue to pray for God’s mission here in Randwick and beyond. Don’t forget we hold regular Mission Prayer Meetings. The next one is this coming Thursday, 16th Feb, 12.00 pm.
- Watch this space for the Ten Commandments movie night.
- Ash Wednesday Communion is on soon: 22nd Feb, 7.00 pm.
Andrew Schmidt,