Today is Trinity Sunday, a date specially set aside for considering God’s Three-in-Oneness. The nature of our God as one God in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, is an essential truth. It underpins everything important in the Christian faith.
Only because Jesus is truly God can we say that God has come to us as a man, and that he understands first-hand what it is like to be human. Only because Jesus and the Father are One can we be assured that our prayers, in Jesus’ name, are heard by the Father. Only because the Spirit of the Father and the Son is truly God can we take comfort that God is present with us through the Spirit.
If God were merely One, not Three-in-One, he would inevitably be a distant God who could not be truly known. As it is, however, he is near to us and can be known through his Son Jesus Christ. As we come to know God, and of the bond of love between the Father and the Son in the Spirit, we learn that in the very being of God – is love! This could not be the case if God were not Three-in-One.
This is a matter for wonder and praise of our great God.
On a more prosaic note, don’t forget that Dedication Sunday is coming up on 25th June. We hold one combined service at 10.30 am, followed by a finger food lunch. Please use the sign up sheet in the porch to indicate attendance as well as what you can bring. Looking forward to seeing you there!