“The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven. 12 He sighed deeply and said, “Why does this generation ask for a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to it.” ” – Mark 8:11-12
I remember talking to someone about what sort of evidence might convince them of God’s existence. They argued there wasn’t enough, and that if God really wanted someone to believe in him, he could just cause the stars in the sky to miraculously form themselves into the words ‘I exist – God.’ or something like that. I pressed this person a bit further and asked if such an occurrence really would convince them, and on reflection, they concluded that they would probably just think they were seeing things.It is so tempting for people, christian and non-christian alike, to want a sign from God, something particular, just for us. As the verses above show, there’s nothing new about this, people have always asked Jesus for a sign.
But God hasn’t hidden himself from us. To look at all God has made is to see a reflection of his glory (especially the stars in the sky!) But the most important sign he has given us is his own Son. Jesus didn’t give the Pharisees a sign when they asked because he himself was the sign they refused to see. In Jesus, God’s character, values and intentions are revealed more completely than any message in the sky could do. Also, because God ensured it was all written down, Jesus is the sign that has, and will continue to, stand the test of time.
Dear God,
thank you for revealing yourself to us through your son Jesus. Help us to keep getting to know him better through your word, for your glory and the good of all people, Amen.