This Sunday marks Jesus’ Ascension into heaven, forty days after his Resurrection. It is important to understand that these are two quite separate events in the history of salvation. Jesus’ resurrection was his defeat of death, returning to human life, never to die again. For the forty days after his resurrection, Jesus “presented himself to [his disciples] and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive” (Acts 1:3). His Ascension refers to when he was taken into heaven to be seated at God’s right hand, “far above all rule and authority” (Ephesians 1:21). Jesus’ ascension speaks of his sovereign rule over the universe as the King of the human race.
To let you know some sad news, our wonderful Office Administrator, Amelia Ross, is finishing up at St Jude’s. Unfortunately for us, she will be moving to a full-time administrator and ministry role at St Andrew’s Roseville, where she attends. I know that many of you have appreciated her friendly helpfulness over the last year. If you would like to acknowledge her as she departs, please come to the Parish Room for morning tea at 12 pm this Friday (following on from Plan your Farewell).
… Speaking of which, Plan your Farewell is this Friday, 26th May at 10 am. Please come along for an informative and interactive time of thinking together how we can make plans for our farewell from this life in a way which honours God and might also make it easier for family. On the day, I will be providing a detailed fact sheet which you will be able to complete and deposit the church office for safe keeping.
In brief:
- Fireworks is two weeks away, Saturday 3rdJune!
- EQUIP women’s conference at St Jude’s Saturday 17thJune
- Classical Concert with St Catherine’s School at 4 pm Saturday 17thJune.
- In breaking news, I am pleased to announce that for our special combined service on Dedication Sunday (10.30 am on Sunday 25thJune), our guest preacher will be former Archbishop, Dr Peter Jensen. This will be a great celebration (with a bring a plate lunch). Please plan to come.