After a few weeks’ break, I am looking forward to being “back in the saddle” and preaching again this week. I am excited to be speaking from 1 Corinthians 14 about “How to have a powerful Christian gathering”.
Amongst the tumult in our world at the moment, the big Australian Christian news was the unfortunate turn of events at the Essendon Football Club, in which a Christian CEO was forced to resign from his role one day into the job. I hope I can touch on this in a helpful way this week.
I have felt very encouraged the last few months by your response to the shortfall we experienced earlier in the year. Together we have brought offertories back to a level which meets budget. A significant contributor to this has been more people choosing to give electronically, which is very helpful for regularity.
Contrary to rumours that “the church is wealthy”, our congregation is responsible for funding all our ministry activities and building maintenance, without outside help. Unlike many churches, we are blessed with income from our Early Learning Centre to supplement offertories; however, my aim is for us to cover expenses from our own congregational giving, so that other income can be used to provide for future gospel work, both in Randwick and further afield.
The Lord Jesus offers us great encouragement to generosity in today’s gospel reading from Luke: “do not worry about what you will eat and drink, for your Father knows what you need. Seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” Please continue to give generously to the work of the gospel, for Jesus has promised us “treasure in heaven that will never fail.”
In brief:
- Today we welcome the family of Sebastian Wagstaff to St Jude’s for his baptism at 11 am.
- Operation Christmas Child is underway. Pick up your shoebox and instructions in the porch or Parish Room. We are collecting boxes until the end of October.
- Our classical music concert, featuring St Catherine’s School is next weekend, Saturday 15th October at 4.30 pm.
Andrew Schmidt