The lead up to Christmas is now on in earnest. Our Christmas Pageant will be held this afternoon at 4 pm, with kids from Sunday School and Kids’ Club acting out the Christmas story for us.
Carols at St Jude’s (outdoors) is on next Sunday at 4 pm. Please plan to come, invite a friend and help if you can. We still need helpers for set-up, pack up and for being the friendly face at the front gate and at attractions like the jumping castle and petting zoo.
The other thing for which we need lots of volunteer power is distributing our Christmas letterbox drop. We have 5000 postcards for inviting Randwick to join us for Christmas. Please collect a bundle and a map. The aim is to cover the whole parish.
I am so thankful to God that he has made it possible for School Scripture to take place again this year. Due to COVID, we are holding our lessons at Randwick Public School outside, which means the prayer for good weather on Wednesday afternoons has also been an important one. Thankfully this has been answered the last few weeks. Andrew Goddard has also had the opportunity to return to teaching SRE at Randwick Girls’ High School. Praise God!
Today’s collect (special prayer of the day) is a very famous one. This prayer has been used on the Second Sunday in Advent at least since the 1662 prayer book. In this prayer we acknowledge that God is the source of every word in the Bible, and we seek his help to “read, mark, learn and inwardly digest” these words. The Holy Scriptures are meant to be read slowly, repeatedly, attentively. And the purpose, as the collect says, is “that we may embrace … the joyful hope of everlasting life.” Why not hold onto this week’s bulletin, so that you can keep praying that prayer as you read the Bible each day?
In brief:
- Most Bible study groups are finishing up in the coming week. If you haven’t been able to join up with a group this year, we’ll be starting up again next year in February.
- Kids’ Club, Youth and Playgroup are also finishing for the year in the coming week.
- Don’t forget Carols and the Letterbox drop!!