3rd April 2022

I have been conscious this week that more than the usual number of our congregation are either in hospital, or unable to leave home, suffering with various illnesses.  While in many cases, we can be hugely grateful for the skilled medical care we receive, it is reminder of our frailty.  Every one of us, whether sick or well at the moment, is fragile and mortal.  With this in mind, we can rejoice that (as Matthew points out), Jesus came to fulfil those words of Isaiah, “He took our illnesses and bore our diseases” (Isaiah 53:4, quoted in Matthew 8:17).

As Christians, we view this earthly body as merely a tent, a temporary dwelling.  “If this tent is destroyed, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens” (2 Cor. 5:1).  “In this tent, we groan,” says the Apostle, “longing to put on our heavenly dwelling” (2 Cor. 5:2).  Isn’t it comforting to know that we are not always expected to enjoy camping in these mortal bodies!! Let us continue longing to be with Jesus, while also patiently, prayerfully, and gratefully, accepting each day God gives us down here.

In brief:

  • Kat and Nigel’s farewell is at morning tea next Sunday, 10th April. Please make a point of being here as we thank God for their fellowship with us.  Next Sunday is also Palm Sunday.
  • Please take some letterbox cards to invite Randwick to church this Easter.
  • Keep bringing in those eggs for the egg hunt on Easter Sunday afternoon!
  • Most importantly, plan to be here for our Easter services. It is also great time to invite family or friends to church.
  • Maundy Thursday dinner is a special event this year, with Mark Landrum from Christian Witness to Israel, explaining to us the Christian significance of the Jewish Passover. Please come along, and consider inviting a friend, particularly a friend who is of a Jewish background.