Palm Sunday is the day we remember Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem a week before he was crucified. Today we welcome Bishop Michael Stead (who is our bishop here in the South Sydney region). He and his wife Felicity are joining us for our two morning services.
I hope you will be strengthened by God’s grace through the message today.
Last week’s Annual Vestry Meeting was an encouraging time. It was pleasing to see so many there, given that the soggy conditions understandably kept a few people away from church that day.
Following the meeting, our office holders are as follows:
Wardens: Alan Clark (rector’s), Diane Hill, Philippa Skuja (people’s)
Parish Councillors: Crispin Arnall, Vjera Arnall, Tracey Bates, John Bennett, Karen Calayag, Jacqui Guy, Glenn Lockwood. (We welcome John Bennett as a new member.)
Parish Nominators: Christine Alexander, Alan Clark, Diane Hill, Karyn Lai, Justin Playfair
This year’s meeting did not need to elect Synod Representatives, because last year’s meeting elected Karen Calayag and Doug George for a three-year term.
We gather for Easter next weekend. I hope you will be able to come and to invite a friend. Service times are:
Maundy Thursday 7.30 pm (following dinner at 6 pm for those who have signed up)
Good Friday 8 am, 10 am
Easter Sunday 8 am, 10 am, 4 pm
The 4 pm is an informal service in the church followed by egg hunt, BBQ and campfire. It will have something for everyone – a great invitation opportunity.
The other great news is that we can now sing in church without masks or any restrictions!!
Please take a bundle of letterbox drop postcards and deliver them right away – this afternoon if possible.
Don’t forget that daylight saving ends on Easter Sunday morning at 3 am. Clocks go back one hour, otherwise you’ll be an hour early to church!
I am looking forward to our fellowship, firstly in solemn reflection on the death of Christ on Friday, and then, on Sunday, in joyful celebration of his defeat of death forever.