The countdown is on to our in-person church re-start, in two weeks’ time on Sunday 7th November (9 am and 4 pm). During November, we will hold creche and Youth Bible Study at 9 am service, and Sunday School at 4 pm.
Youth is starting back in-person even sooner: this coming Friday, 29th October.
It is a thrill to be able to share with you some news which we’ve been anticipating and praying for: the birth of Ezra Alexander Cowell (to Kat and Nigel) last Sunday at 4.55 pm. Praise God for his gracious gift of life.
During the week I shared with you a special video, a short film recording the dedication of the sculpture in our graveyard, which celebrates the ministry of women at St Jude’s over the last 150 years. I hope you had a chance to see it. The video is available on our YouTube channel here.
The roof is nearly done! Everyone who sees it comments on how stunning it looks. It is possible that there will still be some work being carried out on the southern side of the church by the time we return to church in-person, but this will not hinder our use of the church.
I would like to put in a special plug for the Working Bee on the Saturday before our return to church. Saturday 6th November, 8.30 am, will be an important working bee, to get the church ready for gatherings. Please bring along your own vacuum cleaner to help remove the dusty effects of the roof renovation. It will be very satisfying to be a part of this working bee, so don’t miss out!