14th October 2018

It’s great to be back from holidays, and a busy week awaits me, with the Synod of the Sydney Diocese starting tomorrow afternoon.  Please pray for me and our two parish representatives, Doug George and Karen Calayag, as we play this role in the governance of the Diocese.  It involves a lot of listening and a small degree of conflict, but I believe it is highly necessary and worthwhile to discuss how we can work together in stewarding the resources God has given to Sydney Anglicans.

The Fair, Saturday 10th November, is almost upon us (four weeks away). It is one of the key days of the year when hundreds of non-church goers will be in the church grounds and have a positive experience – creating good vibes with the community.  The Parish Council has decided to donate 25% of the Fair’s net proceeds to the Archbishop’s Drought Relief Appeal.  Please plan to come along, and to help with set up, and/or a stall if you can.

Even sooner is Mission Sunday, next week.  We welcome Helena Painting to share about her work in Bookham, which we support through BCA.  Also, don’t forget to be filling your Operation Christmas Child box, which needs to be brought back by St Jude’s Day special service and picnic in two weeks’ time.